Propworx held its third
Star Trek prop and costume auction. Smaller and quieter than any previous Propworx event, this auction yielded some great deals for the few bidders involved. There were a few items of interest to Vulcanologists.
The highlight was this Lirpa from the Star Trek: Enterprise episode "Kir'Shara." A lot of four of these Lirpa were sold at the Christie's auction for $4800. Subsequently, in the It's a Wrap! eBay auctions, half a dozen more sold for prices ranging between $600 and $1500. Yesterday's Lirpa sold for $800 which is a pretty good deal considering how much time has passed since the other auctions.
Next, is this beautiful piece of pre-production art by Andrew Probert. Some readers may remember the
interview I did with Probert about the design process for this shuttle. I regret not bidding on this piece. It sold for just $550 which is extremely reasonable for this type of prototype
Star Trek production art.
Next up is a series of wigs belonging to our Romulan cousins. These are all from Star Trek: Nemesis. Many similar pieces sold through the IAW auctions for the same sort of prices $100-$300.
Finally, these interesting Reman control panel buttons sold for $100. I was not totally thrilled with the design of the Remans in Star Trek: Nemesis. Their appearance seemed a huge evolutionary leap forward from their Vulcan progenitors. I also thought their long fingernails were quite impractical for creatures who spent their days mining. However, the fact that the art department considered those nails when designing the Reman control panels is a testament to their foresight. Rather than using touchscreen panels, they used these separated keys so the fingernails could pass between them.